Fried figs


12 figs.
4 tablespoons honey.
3/4 of a liter of muscat wine.
2 tablespoons sugar.
To make the paste:

To make the pasta:

  1. We put the flour in a bowl, in the center we put an egg, a yolk, salt, oil, cinnamon and icing sugar, we work until this everything well mixed, we add little by little the rum, milk and water necessary until we obtain a Thick mass.
  2. Let stand for one hour in a cool place, add the egg white to snow, open the figs in a cross, pass through the pasta and fry in plenty of hot oil, drain them on absorbent paper.
  3. In a saucepan we put the muscatel with the honey and the sugar, cook it until we obtain a kind of thick syrup. We serve hot figs sprinkled with syrup.